Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Death of Micheal Jackson

Knowing that a person with so much respect, dignity and love died without saying Goodbye or get to do his concert on the road really shocked me. I felt as if he brought so much to his race and was an example to all people that if you want something done and you believe a change can be made it can be.  Even though he may have had a hard life.(We all have hardships and burdens) but he still pressed on due to the talent and the things that he thought would make the world a better place!! He was loved by plenty, along with the support of his mother, sisters, and brothers Micheal changed the way we all looked at music. I will always think and converse on how Micheal endured all of his hardships, we as people dont know what the music industry is all about behind close doors as well as knowing what Micheal went through as growing up and as while being a child. Thoughts run through my mind as I sit back and try to relate to the things Micheal went through as growning up. I solemly wonder did he ever have a childhood? Did he get into trouble at school? was he smart in his academics?? Questions like this make me wonder......

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